Sunday, 14 August 2016

How to create first data visualization project in Spotfire ?

Spotfire is a robust data visualization tool which provide meaningful data analysis quickly. It's drag and drop functionality make it very user friendly to create variety of chart and analysis. There are few things which are very useful before import data table to spotfire. These tips will be so useful to develop your spotfire project precisely as mentioned below:

• Perform data cleansing and aggregation before importing data table to spotfire
• Adequate data modeling is necessary to create desired visualizations
• Make sure that raw data table having enough data and adequate fields to generate charts 
• Set fields datatype as necessary  
• if required, Perform data transformation while importing data table

How Spotfire Work ?
Given below snap shot demonstrate the working process of Spotfire project generation:

As, I explained earlier few points which keeps in mind before develop as spotfire project. Now, we will see what are the general steps to be performed to generate a simple data visualization project. To develop a simple spotfire project below steps need to be performed.

1) Extract data from various data source
2) Perform data cleansing, aggregation and data transformation on the raw data
3) Design data model which included necessary field and their data type in data table  
4) Import all data table in spotfire. set required datatype of field while importing data table
5) if required, Perform data transformation while importing data table in your project
6) Create necessary charts and pages in the visualization
7) Limit data by applying filter, tags, lists, limiting expression and filtering schema
8) Once your visualization finalized then save it on test server on local system (in .dxp format)
9) Publish the visualization on Production server which will be visible in web player.

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